Our fantastic Optometrists, Diane, Brett & Michele, genuinely care about providing a thorough, friendly experience and offer comprehensive solutions to your eye care needs. They are all therapeutically qualified meaning they not only diagnose but can treat most sore or red eye conditions.
Glaucoma, in its most common form, is a slow progressive eye condition that causes damage to the optic nerve resulting in permanent vision loss. It has been called the "silent thief of sight" because it can slowly steal your sight without you being aware of it. By the time you become aware of problems with your vision, it is usually too late.
This is why routine eye health examinations are of huge benefit. Glaucoma diagnosed early means the condition can be treated and while it cannot be cured, your vision can be preserved.
The prevalence of glaucoma in New Zealand is about 2% of the population but prevalence increases with age and 10% of people over the age of 70 will have glaucoma. If you have a family history of glaucoma then you're ten times more likely to get the disease.
What should I do to prevent getting glaucoma?
You can't prevent getting glaucoma but you can protect yourself from the damage caused by glaucoma by having regular eye examinations. Regular eye examinations will ensure early diagnosis and prompt treatment in the event that you do get glaucoma, in particular if you have a family history of glaucoma or are over 60 years old. Today's treatments are very effective at preventing any further glaucoma damage and preserving your vision.
A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that results in decreased vision. Most cataracts are related to aging and therefore are very common in older people.
Early cataracts are detected as part of your regular eye examination and vision may be improved with new prescription lenses, effective sunglasses and with improved task lighting for reading.
When the vision impairment caused by the cataract begins to inconvenience your normal lifestyle, you may need cataract surgery. The surgery is a safe and effective procedure. Your optometrist will refer you to an eye specialist for this.
Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) affects your central vision and is the leading cause of vision loss in older people, affecting 25-30% of those aged over 75.
There are two types of macular degeneration:
-"Dry" ARMD - 90% of people with AMRD have this type. It causes gradual deterioration in vision, which is often mild but is not currently treatable.
- "Wet" ARMD is much less common but does cause more rapid vision loss and requires urgent treatment. Vision loss from ARMD is painless.
Your optometrist can perform several tests to determine if you are at risk of developing ARMD, and, if you do have this condition already, can diagnose which type it is and refer you to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation if needed.
Who is at risk for ARMD?
While the main risk factor is age, it can appear earlier and progress faster in smokers, those with high cholesterol and vascular disease. Those with immediate family members who have ARMD are at higher risk of developing the condition, and women appear to be at greater risk than men.
What can I do to protect my eyes from ARMD?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of developing ARMD, especially the regular consumption of leafy green vegetables and fish, maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol, and the cessation of smoking if you are a smoker.
Do you have something in your eye? A foreign object is something in your eye such as dust or a metal shard that is causing pain and discomfort.
Our optometrists can safely remove foreign objects and we are able to process an ACC claim for you if needed. Please do not try to remove foreign objects at home as this can cause more damage.
Diabetes is a leading cause of preventable blindness in the adult population. One of the most distressing and difficult complications of diabetes is vision loss.
In partnership with Te Whatu Ora we hold diabetic retinal screening clinics in Napier, Taradale and Hastings every week and regularly hold clinics in Wairoa and Central Hawkes Bay. To be seen in one of these clinics your GP will need to send a referral through to us.